Exalt - Equip - Engage

Worship @ 10:30am
Our aim at New City is to be completely gospel-centered. Everything we do hinges on the Scriptures, God's word to us. During our gathering you can expect to hear the word read aloud, sung through corporate worship, taught by one of our pastors, and seen in the taking of the Lord's Supper. Preaching at New City is biblically based, gospel-centered, relevant, and applicational with a particular focus on the person and work of Jesus.
Attire: Come as you are comfortable.
On Sunday mornings you can expect a Jesus-centered environment for your children, as well as nursery care for Infants-Pre-K. Children are important to us and they will be served well through New City Kids.
We gather at 724 West 11th Street in Alma, GA (31510).